Jordan B. Burton, Ph.D.

Post-doctoral Research Fellow, Buck Institute for Research on Aging

About Me

I am a post-doctoral research fellow in Birgit Schilling’s lab at the Buck Institute for Research on Aging in Novato, CA. My research is focused on understanding the age-based bone and neurological diseases. I use mass spectrometry-based proteomics to identify differentially abundant proteins between healthy control and diseased samples from a variety of sources including cell culture, mouse, and human specimens.


  1. Burton, J.B.; King, C.D.; Quillen, E..; Willey, J.; Cline, M.; Justice, J.; Schilling, B. Kidney Injury in an Early Aging Non-Human Primate. In Preparation.
  2. Burton, J.B.; McHugh, T.; Sanchez, M.; Bons, J.; Shah, S.; Ellerby, L.; Schilling, B. ZenoTOF 7600 Data-Independent Acquisition Tutorial. In Preparation.
  3. Burton, J.B.; Pan, D.; Bons, J.; Bai, R.; Chen-Tanyolac, C.; Hunter, C.; Gascard, P.; Tlsty, T.; Schilling, B. Data-Independent Acquisitions of Human Breast Cancer Tissue Subtypes Explore Molecular Profiles to Identify Potential Targets for Stratification and Stromal Reprogramming. In Preparation.
  4. Moutin, E.B.; Bons, J.; Burton, J.B.; Pan, D.; Giavara, G.; Shah, S.; Colombé, M.; Gascard, P.; Lourenco, F.; Tlsty, T.; Schilling, B.; Winton, D.J. Extracellular Matrix Orchestration of Tissue Remodeling during Chronic Colitis. To be submitted. 2023
  5. Silva-Barbosa, A.; Pfister, K.; Chiba, T.; Bons, J.; Rose, J.; Burton, J.B.; King, C.D.; O’Broin, A.; Young, V.; Zhang, B.; Sivakama, B.; Uhlean, R.; Schilling, B.; Goetzman, E.; Sims-Lucas, S. Dicarboxylic Acid Supplementation Protects from Acute Kidney Injury via Stimulation of Renal Peroxisomal Activity. Submitted to the Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 2023.
  6. Schurman, C.A.; Kaya, S.; Dole, N.; Potter, R.; Rose, J.; Bons, J.; King, C.D.; Burton, J.B.; Schilling, B.; Melov, S.; Tang, S.; Schiable, E.; Alliston, T. Age-related Decline in Osteocytic TGF Signalling Distrupts Collagen Integrity and Bone Quality.” Submitted to Nature Bone Research. 2023.
  7. Burton, J.B.; Bons, J.; Silva-Barbosa, A.; Pfister, K.; Rose, J.; Antonoplis, A.; Simona, F.; Ghandi, T.; Bernhardt, O.; Hunter, C.; Goetzman, E.; Sims-Lucas, S; Schilling, B. Substantial Downregulation of Mitochondrial and Peroxisomal Proteins during Acute Kidney Injury revealed by Data-Independent Acquisition Proteomic. Submitted to Proteomics. 2023.
  8. Rose, J.; Schurman, C.A.; King, C.D.; Bons, J.; Burton, J.B.; Patel, S.K.; O’Broin, A.; Campisi, J.; Alliston, T.; Schilling, B. Robust and Highly Efficient Extraction of Proteins from Bones for Deep, High-Throughput Proteomics Profiling using Mass Spectrometry. Submitted to PLOS One. 2023.
  9. Schurman, C.A.; Burton, J.B.; Rose, J.; Ellerby, L.; Alliston, T.; Schilling, B. Molecular and Cellular Crosstalk Between Bone and Brain - Accessing Bidirectional Neural and Musculoskeletal Signaling during Aging and Disease. Journal of Bone Metabolism. 2022.
  10. Bons, J.; Rose, J.; Zhang, R.; Burton, J.B.; Carrico, C.; Verdin, E.; Schilling, B.; In-depth Analysis of the Sirtuin 5-regulated Mouse Brain Acylome using Library-free Data-Independent Acquistion. Proteomics. 2022.
  11. Burton, J.B.; Carruthers, N.J.; Matherly, L.H.; Hou, Z.; Stemmer, P.M. Pattern Analysis of Organellar Maps for the Interpretation of Proteomics Data. Proteomes. 2022, 10(2), 18.
  12. Burton, J.B.; Carruthers, N.J; Stemmer, P.M. Enriching Extracellular Vesicles for Mass Spectrometry. Mass Spectrometry Reviews. 2021.
  13. Burton, J.B.; Ward, C.; Klemet, D.; Linz, T. Incorporation of Thermal Gels for Facile Microfluidic Transient Isotachophoresis. Analytical Methods. 2019.


  1. J.B. Burton, D. Pan, J. Bons, R. Bai, C. Chen-Tanyolac, C. Hunter, P. Gascard, T.D. Tlsty, B. Schilling. Molecular Landscapes of Breast Cancer Subtypes: Data Independent Acquisition and Identification of Potential Targets for Stromal Reprogramming. Poster presented at the 71st Annual ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics (Houston, TX, June 6th, 2023).
  2. J.B. Burton, A. Silva-Barbosa, J. Bons, J. Rose, K. Pfister, F. Simona, T. Ghandi, L. Reiter, O. Bernhardt, E.S. Goetzman, C.L. Hunter, S. Sims-Lucas, B. Schilling. Revealing Proteome Remodeling during Ischemic Reperfusion Kidney Injury through High-Throughput Data-Independent Acquisition using a Fast-scanning ZenoTOF 7600 System. Poster presented at the 5th Annual Age-Related Disease Therapeutics Summit (San Francisco, CA, June 1st, 2023).
  3. J.B. Burton, D. Pan, J. Bons, R. Bai, C. Chen-Tanyolac, C. Hunter, P. Gascard, T.D. Tlsty, B. Schilling. Data-Independent Acquisition and Quantification for the Stratification of Breast Cancer Subtypes from Human FFPE Tissues. Poster presented at the Bay Area Aging Meeting (Novato, CA, May 11th, 2023).
  4. J.B. Burton, D. Pan, J. Bons, R. Bai, C. Chen-Tanyolac, C. Hunter, P. Gascard, T.D. Tlsty, B. Schilling. Data-Independent Acquisition and Quantification for the Stratification of Breast Cancer Subtypes from Human FFPE Tissues. Poster presented at the United States Human Proteome Organization Conference (Chicago, IL, March 7th, 2023).
  5. J.B. Burton, A. Silva-Barbosa, J. Bons, J. Rose, K. Pfister, F. Simona, T. Ghandi, L. Reiter, O. Bernhardt, E.S. Goetzman, C.L. Hunter, S. Sims-Lucas, B. Schilling. Data-Independent Acquisitions Uncover Kidney Proteome Remodeling during Ischemic Reperfusion Kidney Injury using a Fast-scanning ZenoTOF 7600. Poster presented at the United States Human Proteome Organization Conference (Chicago, IL, March 7th, 2023).
  6. J.B. Burton, D. Pan, J. Bons, R. Bai, C. Chen-Tanyolac, C. Hunter, P. Gascard, T.D. Tlsty, B. Schilling. SASP Markers Altered in Breast Cancer are Associated with ECM Reorganization, Stress Response and Metabolic Changes. Poster presented at Bay Area Aging Meeting (San Francisco, CA, December 8th, 2022).
  7. J.B. Burton, J. Bons, A. Silva-Barbosa, J. Rose, K. Pfister, C. Hunter, E. Goetzman, S. Sims-Lucas, B. Schilling. Acute Kidney Injury in Mice: Assessing Injury and Therapeutics to Remediate Function. Talk presented at Buck Institute for Research on Aging Senescence Day (Novato, CA, November 16th, 2022).
  8. J.B. Burton, D. Pan, J. Bons, R. Bai, T.D. Tlsty, B. Schilling, P. Gascard. Extracellular Matrix Alterations with Progression of Chronic Inflammation-Associated Breast Cancer: Applications to Metaplastic Breast Cancer. Talk presented at Cancer Research United Kingdom STORMing Cancer All-Team Meeting (San Francisco, CA, November 14th – 15th, 2022).
  9. J.B. Burton; J. Bons; D. Pan; S. Shah; R. Bai; C. Chen-Tanyola;, X. Wang; D.R. Fels Elliott; A. Urisman; A. O’Broin; N. Basisty; J. Rose; V. Sangwan; S. Camilleri-Broët; J. Tankel; P. Gascard; L. Ferri; T.D. Tlsty; B. Schilling. Data-Independent Acquisition and Quantification of Extracellular Matrix from Human Esophagus in Chronic Inflammation-Associated Carcinomas. Poster presented at the Future Leaders of Cancer Research Conference (Barcelona, Spain, November 2nd – 4th, 2022).
  10. J.B. Burton; J. Bons; A. Silva-Barbosa; J. Rose; K. Pfister; E. Goetzman; S. Sims-Lucas; C. Hunter; B. Schilling. Acute Kidney Injury in Mice: Assessing Injury and Therapeutics to Remediate Function. Talk presented at the UC-Davis Proteomics Short Course (Davis, CA, September 14th, 2022).
  11. Burton J.B.; Bons, J.; Silva-Barbosa, A.; Rose, J.; Pfister, K., Antonoplis, A.; Goetzman, E.; Sims-Lucas, S.; Hunter, C.; Schilling, B. High-throughput Zeno SWATH DIA Analysis of Ischemic Acute Kidney Injury using a Fast-scanning ZenoTOF 7600. Talk presented at the 14th International Symposium on Mass Spectrometry in the Health and Life Sciences (Cambridge, MA, August 14th – 18th, 2022).
  12. Burton J.B.; Bons, J.; Silva-Barbosa, A.; Rose, J.; Pfister, K., Antonoplis, A.; Goetzman, E.; Sims-Lucas, S.; Hunter, C.; Schilling, B. ZenoTOF 7600 System: Acute Kidney Injury SWATH DIA Analysis and Zeno Trap for Increased Sensitivity. Talk presented at the 14th International Symposium on Mass Spectrometry in the Health and Life Sciences SCIEX User Meeting (Cambridge, MA, August 14th – 18th, 2022).
  13. Bons, J.; Silva-Barbosa, A.; Rose, J.; Chiba, T.; Burton, J.B.; Goetzman, E.; Hunter, C.; Sims-Lucas, S.; Schilling, B. Quantification of Proteomic and Post-translational Changes during Kidney Injury and Protective Effects in Response to Genetic and Dietary Interventions. Poster presented at the 14th International Symposium on Mass Spectrometry in the Health and Life Sciences (Cambridge, MA, August 14th – 18th, 2022).
  14. Burton J.B.; Bons, J.; Silva-Barbosa, A.; Rose, J.; Pfister, K., Antonoplis, A.; Simona, F.; Gandhi,T.; Goetzman, E.; Sims-Lucas, S.; Hunter, C.; Bernhardt, O.; Schilling, B. High-throughput DIA Analysis of Ischemic Kidney Injury and Therapeutic Interventions using Multiple MS Platforms. Talk presented at the 2022 ASMS Conference Biognosys Breakfast Seminar (Minneapolis, MN).
  15. Bons, J.; Chupalov R.; Burton J.B.; Rose, J.; Causon, J.; Antonoplis, A.; Hunter, C.; MacLean, B.; Schilling, B. ZenoTOF 7600 System Acquisitions with Electron Activated Dissociation and Novel Skyline Features for Quantification of Protein PTMs. Talk presented at the 2022 ASMS Conference Skyline User Group Meeting (Minneapolis, MN).
  16. Burton, J.B.; Carruthers, N.J.; Matherly, L.H.; Hou, Z.; Stemmer, P.M. Pattern Recognition plus Elute to Wash Ratios Identify Proteins of Interest in Proximity Labeling Experiments. Poster presented the 2022 ASMS Conference (Minneapolis, MN).
  17. Burton, J.B.; Carruthers, N.J.; Stemmer, P.M. Protstatmd: A NextFlow Containerized Analysis Pipeline for Spectral Count Proteomic Analysis Doubles the Number of Pairwise Comparisons between Beer Samples. Poster presented at the 2021 ASMS Conference (Philadelphia, PA).
  18. Burton, J.B.; Carruthers, N.J.; Matherly, L.H.; Hou, Z.; Stemmer, P.M. Pattern Analysis of Organellar Maps for the Interpretation of Proteomic Data in a Proximity Labeling Experiment. Poster presented at the 2021 22nd Annual Chemistry Graduate Research Symposium (Wayne State University).
  19. Burton, J.B.; Stemmer, P.M. Increasing the Depth of Coverage in Mass Spectrometry-Based Proteomics. Talk presented at 2021 Biochemistry Seminar (Wayne State University, Detroit, MI).
  20. Burton, J.B.; Ward, C.; Klemet, D.; Linz, T. Incorporation of Thermal Gels for Facile Microfluidic Transient Isotachophoresis. Talk presented at the 2019 21st Annual Chemistry Graduate Research Symposium (Wayne State University, Detroit, MI).
  21. Burton, J.B.; Ward, C.; Linz, T. Microchip Electrophoresis Using a Thermally Tunable Sieving Matrix for Protein Separations. Poster presented at the 2018 Future of Sustainable Design Through Polymer Science Symposium (Wayne State University, Detroit, MI).
  22. Burton, J.B.; Ward, C.; Linz, T. Microchip Electrophoresis Using a Thermally Tunable Sieving Matrix for Protein Separations. Poster presented at the 2018 Anachem Symposium (Livonia, MI).

Contact Me

Twitter: @JoBBurt

